Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rules for Running 2: Prevent injuries---YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING!

Good WEDNESDAY morning! I hope you're all having a great start to your day, I'm babysitting at that moment:) I'll tell you about my run later!


Rules for Running #2: Injury Prevention

Being injured sucks. Majorly. And did you know yoga can delay injuries form hard workouts or high mileage? According to Runner's World it can!
1. Squat
With feet wider than hip-width, lower into a squat with pillows for support.

2. Child's Pose

Fold forward over wide knees with pillows under your belly. Turn your head halfway through.

3. Prone Twist
Stack your knees and lower your abdomen to the pillows. Repeat on the other side.

4. Back bend

Create a wedge with three or four pillows and recline over it with arms stretched wide.

5. Side Bend

Lie sideways over pillows, keeping hips and shoulders on the ground. Repeat on other side.

6. Leg Drop

Prop your legs up a wall while resting your back or, better yet, your pelvis on a pillow. Or use an ottoman or chair for a bent-kneed version. It's okay if you fall asleep!

Also, get one of these babies to prevent injuries and roll out those sore muscles:

You can buy one from Wal-Mart HERE! (where I got mine)

Do you do yoga, foam rolling, or both?

Have you ever been injured?

How far are you running today?

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