Friday, July 13, 2012

ENTERTAINMENT on your next run!!

I'm actually completely relaxed right now. I didn't have to babysit today (got the day off which is always nice!) and I've done nothing. I mean seriously, NOTHING. That is a nice feeling.

Ok, I did do SOMETHING but it involved just sitting on my butt downloading music for my runs FREE but LEGALLY!!! I found how to on Pinterest and got created and created this tutorial in case you guys were interested:

I was really super excited a found a way! Itunes is SO expensive :(

I am going to get my run in a little bit, it clearly has been one of those catch up days though. I keep saying I am going to get up and do something productive but it just hasn't worked. But once I do get my run on (which is going to be 1 mile warm-up, 5 mile tempo, and 1 mile cool-down) and my other workout on---Jullian Micheal's DVD, I will be feeling awesome and way better. Tomorrow I have 13 miles on my training plan-whew! I'm on a training plan from Runner's World for a 10K that's coming up in August!


And besides listening to music I have another entertainment tip for you! Are you a treadmill runner? I am. I am probably the 2 percent of the population that likes running on a treadmill.
But I have a technique!!!! If you are getting bored, look down at the time. Your treadmill will display the distance your going every amount of seconds. The one I run at at the gym shows the distance every FIVE seconds. So I'll look down and when it's just about to the distance to show, I look up and count to six so I don't look at the distance and I keep doing that for awhile and I'll surprise myself how far I've come! It makes me focus on something else and keeps me motivated to keep going!

Are you on a training plan right now?

Favorite Running song right now?
I am in love with "Dark Side" by Kelly Clarkson. She keeps making awesome music!

HAPPY FRIDAY! TGIF! What are you doing this weekend?
Running, eating, and sleeping :) The top three things in my life when I'm getting back to training!

How do you keep yourself entertained on a long run? (Need answers please)
I have to just book down and do it. I like to dance while I'm running, if you need to know how to do that, you just got to get into the groove I guess. Listening to music is a must, but only for the first miles. If I'm on a treadmill I do the one technique I told you about above or I try to find something to do. But when I'm running, I can never think about anything else besides running. And this was a very long answer! OH: And I bring food with me, not necesarly because I need to refuel but it gives me something to look forward too. Gummi Sharks are amazing.

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