Saturday, July 21, 2012

Random Thoughts

My List of Rambinglings:

1. Last night, with NINE babysitting kids, I played ghost in the graveyard and it could of been the COOLEST and FUNNEST time ever. Plus on top of that, it was a good form of exsersise and I got my speed workout in by having to whip out my sprinting skills when 10 year old kids who have been snacking on fruit roll ups, drinking pops, and gatorade and I don't know what else. They were FULL of sugar and ready to go but it was so fun that way!

2. We need food in this household. I buy my own groceries because I eat way differently than my family, so it's serious. Grocery shopping today is a must.

3. I was reading Kara Goucher's interview on Runner's World. For one, I cannot believe she can train and run 110 miles/week without one source of injury. I mean elites are cut out for it and they have gotten used to it...but I just can't imagine! What is her nutrition plan? I've always wondered that about runners- do they eat super, super healthy or what? For two, I love something she said in there as well:

"That's been a change in me from high school until now. Of course, I was always competitive and wanted it. But I used to be afraid to say my goals out loud, and I didn't want a lot of attention. And as I've grown, I've gotten over the negative people and the negative comments. I risk so much to do this, and it's awesome and I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way. But when people are at work and they're nervous about a presentation, that's how I feel all the time. I'm going to practice and I need it to go well and I'm so invested in it, emotionally and physically." -Kara Goucher
I love this quote! I am afraid to say my goals out loud too, and I know I shouldn't even think about it like that, but I'm so scared people are going to think I'm crazy or weird. I just need to get over the negative people who say things to me and keep working it and putting my heart into it.

 4. Have you ever tried a blueberry ego waffle with peanut butter on it? Do it. It's so good!

5. August 5 at 11 am is the OLYMPIC MARATHON and I figured out it's on a Sunday I couldn't be more happier. It's also a day after my 10K so I can just sit back and be on the couch all day watching more running. Love it. August 3-12 TONS of running stuff will be on. Click here to view the whole Olympic schedule!

6. It's so hot here it's blazing. At least it is cloudy right now.

7. My workout today will be running speed stuff for a total of 3 miles. And then I'll be doing sprints to get to my race pace. I can do it! Oh yeah, and I really should do Jullian Micheal's DVD. :)

Will you watch the Olympic marathon?

Have you ever played Ghost in the Graveyard? 

What do you resort to eat when you have no groceries? (including milk & eggs)

Have you ever ran a race with elites?
-Yes, Dam to Dam! 

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