Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mountain climbers and jump outs in a plank

I noticed while looking at stats that yesterday I had 30 more page views in all that day. If you're reading thanks!!! I hope you stay awhile!! While most other blogs push probably MANY more readers than that I got kind of excited! :)


Today's run was an easy run with 4 miles and I also did Week 2 of Jullian Micheal's Ripped in 30. Yeah, I'm still on Week 2, but I only do her video 2-3 times a week so I stay on weeks a little longer. I was going to do 2 miles on the elliptical too after my run but the elliptical is SO BORING compared to the run I had and I wanted to get the JM video done. Do you think the elliptical is EXTREMELY boring too?! I used to haul some butt on that thing and go for an entire hour but I think we are seperated for now.

The HARDEST part in the video right now is actually, of all, NOT strength (like it usually is for me) but the CARDIO. I can't quite wrap my head around it. Usually cardio is fine with me-- but she has you doing 2 minutes of mountain climbers and jumpouts in a plank. I can't work all the way through them but I'm getting there and I CAN DO IT!

Here's a segment from the videos and there is some of that mountain climbers in a flipping plank on here too. I'd really recommend it to anyone wanting to boost their fitness!


Now, I should really go take a shower and eat something. I'm thinking something along the lines of breakfast--- I know, random :)

PARENTS or BABYSITTERS- what are some things you do while your kids are playing in the pool besides reading magazines? (my babysitting budget I earn won't allow me to buy magazines every day. :)
-Oh, and I also tried to paint my nails today at the pool too but don't do that in the dead heat. You can guess what happened.

Do you and the elliptical get along well?

What are you having for supper? Do you like eating breakfast foods for lunch/supper?

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