Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hill Sprints and a Long Run is on My To-Do

Question of the Day: do you guys like hill sprints?

POSISTIVE ATTITUDE TIME but YES I love hills! I live in hill country and I just got to suck it up! That was part of my workout today. 1/2 mile (maybe a little more) warm-up to the hill and we ran up it 5 times. Then we did a surge run (where one person leads and go whatever pace but the behind person must follow the best they can) for 2 miles. You know, the total distance of our run was only about 3.75 miles, but it was such a QUALITY run and I love QUALITY runs...especially when I'm done:)

As I'm typing this, I'm hearing a weird noise and I should go check it out but it's pretty sad when you're too sore to go move to check it. Eh, I will once I get done blogging and getting on and off facebook 5 times and stalking Pinterest 3 times.

Tomorrow's workout I will be trying to get 7 miles in, which will be 4 inside and 3 out. I have to break it up. Running outside by yourself for 7 miles is too boring for me. I have a million and other things I want to (like always!) so I need to make my to-do list pronto. I am obbessed with keeping to-do lists and I always leave them stashed in my purse and they just build up and never end. But they make me feel productive and ready for my next day and that's all that matters.

Do you like running by yourself? How do you keep yourself ENTERTAINED during long runs if you do run by yourself?!?!
Are you a QUALITY runner or more of mileage focused runner? (I guess it depends what you're training for)

Favorite type of run? (intervals, tempo, long run, sprints, etc.)

Anything that is just bugging you lately? 

Do you do To-Do lists for the next day? :)

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