If you're reading, welcome to my blog!
I really don't know how to start off since this is my first post and all *crickets chirping*, but let me start off by I have a crazy life, I'm always running or working out, doing something that has to do with school, singing music for my churches, doing homework, hanging out with my friends or family, you name it. So, my blog will be about running a lot because I love it a lot, but you'll see a glimpse in my life too. I haven't classified my blog yet- I think it's going to be a Life blog because running is LIFE so..?
Anyways, in order for you know me just a little better, I thought I'd include some very random facts about me.
1. I'm a health nut, but I DO love sweets. Like froyo or anything ice cream related. :)BTW- if you have never been to a froyo place, QUIT READING THIS AND GO!
2. My favorite sport is cross country and my favorite road race hands down is the Dam to Dam 20K, which I did in 2011 and I am knocked out by injury right now so I couldn't race this year. Obvi I am a long distance runner. I'd love to do a marathon but I'm a little too young and not ready for that right now.
3. I have a cat and his name is Rocky...and he is pretty weird. Like what cat only prefers drinking out of a bathtub?
4. My job? Well, I'm a student during the school year and then during the summer I have a full-time babysitting job! I am so busy during the school year and I really have no time for a job. Well, I probably do have time like on Saturdays and Sundays, but woo 2 days a week!
5. I have two brothers who I love a lot and pretty awesome parents and grandparents.
6. I'm currently saving most of my babysitting money for making a home gym. I know I feel crazy now. But I really want it!!!
On my list? A NordicTrack C900 Treadmill, a yoga mat, stability ball, foam roller, and 10 lb. dumbells. Be quiet if you're snickering about the 10 lb. dumbells...I'm not very strong in my upper body!
7. I don't drink pop.
8. I can never think of a single thing I do when I "grow up". There are SO many options and I'm scared I'll choose the wrong one! But I do know what I DON'T want to be.
9. I love quotes.
10. I am kind of nerdy. I'm asking for an ancestry.com membership from my parents for my BDAY which is in 19 glorious days and my boot comes off in 22 days! I have a lot to look forward to!
Have a great Monday everyone!
Enough about ME!
Tell me a random fact about you!
What is your favorite race: 1 mile, 2 mile, 5K, 10K, 20K, half, or full marathon?!
Have you ever had froyo?!?!
Do you have a home gym?
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